Dr. Azzedine Boukerche, from the University of Ottawa, in Canada, joined the Institute in June 2012 in the role of Visiting Researcher, bringing to the research team extensive experience in wireless communication, mobile computing, ad hoc and sensor networks, and distributed systems.

15 Mar 2013
Shmuel Zaks devotes his current research mainly to Algorithmic studies concerning Optical Networks. These include design and analysis of algorithms, complexity and parameterized complexity, approximability, and on-line algorithms.

14 Mar 2013
Interview with Shmuel Zaks, Chair of Excelence, Department of Telematics Engineering, University Carlos III of Madrid; Visiting Researcher, Institute IMDEA Networks; Chair Professor of Computer Science, Technion, IsraelInterview with Shmuel Zaks, Chair of Excelence, Department of Telematics Engineering, University Carlos III of Madrid; Visiting Researcher, Institute IMDEA Networks; Chair Professor of Computer Science, Technion, Israel

13 Mar 2013
Michal Kryzcka is a new Alumnus of Institute IMDEA Networks, having obtained his PhD from University Carlos III of Madrid in February 2013. The title of his PhD Thesis was “Experimental analysis of the socio-economic phenomena in the BitTorrent ecosystem”.

06 Mar 2013
Miguel Peón-Quirós has become a member of our Research Support team. He will be working as a Software Engineer in the Prophet project, lead by Dejan Kostić, Senior Researcher at the Institute.

15 Feb 2013
Dr. Zaks graduated in Computer Science (1979) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, and since then he has been working on several Theoretical Computer Science topics: Graph and Combinatorial Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics, Distributed Computing, ATM Networks, and Optical Networks. Most of his research has Graph-Theoretic and Algorithmic flavor.

29 Nov 2012
Since its inception about 40 years ago, the Internet has evolved from a purely technical artifact into a central element of our modern life. With technologies such as Web 2.0 and social networking evolving in a way that could never have been predicted by technological designers, the human factor grows progressively in importance for Internet technologists.
Author: Sergey Gorinsky, Senior Researcher, Institute IMDEA Networks

22 Nov 2012
Interview with Dejan Kostić Senior Researcher, Institute IMDEA Networks

19 Nov 2012
In recent decades, we have witnessed an exponential growth in the volume of traffic carried through mobile networks, for which forecasts anticipate a thousand-fold increase by 2020. For the purpose of finding viable solutions to cope with this challenge, Institute IMDEA Networks is coordinating the iJOIN* European project.

15 Nov 2012
FuturICT (www.futurict.eu), scientifically lead by Professor Dirk Helbing (ETHZ) and coordinated by Professor Steven Bishop (UCL) has now submitted an outstanding proposal to the European Commission (EC) on behalf of a consortium of leading EU universities and research organisations, among which is Institute IMDEA Networks.